Thursday, March 26, 2009

Meer-Katz? (This is an actual press release from the City of Winnipeg)

WINNIPEG - March 25, 2009 - After repeated introductory attempts, the Assiniboine Park Zoo’s Slender-tailed Meerkats have finally formed a compatible group. Often seen on television advertisements and nature shows because of their charming antics, Meerkats are so colonial that it is notoriously difficult to add new individuals into an established group. In October 2008, the Zoo brought in five females from Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida, to join three lonely bachelor males in Winnipeg. Prior to introduction, all eight animals and the enclosure were dusted with scented baby powder in the hopes of confusing individual recognition.

During eight weeks of growling and squabbling, two females and one male were ejected from the new group. The compatible individuals (two males and three females) are back on display in the Kinsmen Discovery Center. Mating has been observed and young may be produced later this spring. Offspring will be sent to other Canadian facilities.

The Zoo first imported Meerkats in 1988, but needed to acquire unrelated individuals to keep the colony going. The Slender-tailed Meerkat is related to mongooses and is native to the savannas of southern Africa, where individuals take turns standing on guard on top of a termite mound to watch for approaching predators. The Meerkats have been one of the Zoo’s most-popular exhibits because of their charming features and fascinating behaviour. This species may live up to 20 years in captivity.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


1.) Congratulations to John Orlikow, new City Councillor for River Heights.
It's good to have another 'comrade' in the courtyard.
2.) That being said, since when did 'socialist' become such a swear word for the right? Making sure our communities are sustainable, believing in people before profit and denouncing greed are BAD things? I think NOT!
3.) AIG gave bonuses to upper management with taxpayers money and people are surprised? I'm not surprised in the least. These oinkers didn't get rich by spending their own money. The privatization of profit and socialization of losses is a common them in capitalism. The only thing that disapoints me is that they are only having 90% of the bonuses taxed backed. It should be 125%+
4.) Ken Klassen made a fantastic presentation to EPC yesterday in regards to the Kenaston Big Box expansion project. When I get some video, I will post some tidbits of him punking out Sam from here to kingdom come. It made me smile!
5.)Listen...I know there is water in your backlane and I know 311 sucks. We are working on both.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Duit

As we celebrate the day that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland, I am very hopeful that a snake will be driven out of River Heights.

Geoff "I didn't know you were releasing the info" Currier.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mary Agnes Welch Hates Democracy

In her latest Blog, Mary Agnes asks why the Tory's and Liberals can't just get together to defeat the big, bad NDP. Hmmm....let's it because both parties share the same ideology and only the NDP represents the best interests of the community? I would suggest yes. Sure, there are some issues of contention currently (Disraeli, infrastructure, graffitti, destruction of Community facilities) but those are civic issues that have been neglected by our Mayor and his lackeys. Yes, the Province can come up with the money but I hardly blame the NDP government fo not picking up funding shortfalls when Shammy Katz cuts business taxes and supports Triple P projects that will bankrupt our city!
Mary Agnes, put the blame where it rightly belongs, at the feet of the Mayor, not at a political party that is supported by the residents of Elmwood.
There have been 3 MLA's in the history of Elmwood. All have been CCF/NDP'ers and the 4th will be be no different because that's what people in Elmwood want. Myself included.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am rubber, you are glue...

I absolutely love starting my day off with news like this.
Remember when the Tory's were calling Jack Layton every name under the sun when Jack suggested we talk to the Taliban?
David Aikin posts a transcript from a media scrum on Parliament Hill yesterday, allow me to translate:

Reporter: Mr. Layton, your political opponents have been calling you "Taliban Jack". Now it looks like we've got "Taliban Barack Obama", "Taliban Stephen Harper". Are you getting some company on your side?

Layton: Well, I'm certainly pleased that the Prime Minister has come to accept the position we've advanced for quite some time now (Translation: In your face, Stevie! Once again I was right and you were wrong. You must be getting awfully tired of that. It happens so often now) that you've got to get involved in negotiations with elements of this insurgency known broadly as the Taliban because it's not a conflict that can ever be won militarily. Now that George Bush (Translation: That stupid redneck from the Republic of Texasville. I mean, that silly little man makes Chuck Norris look sane) is gone from the White House and Barack Obama is there, maybe these arguments have been a little more persuasive on our Prime Minister. (Translation: Maybe, but I certainly will not hold my breath. Tory's talk a lot but rarely will thhey act in the best interest of Canada, just the banks.)

This is what the NDP does best, gives a voice to those who can't speak up for themselves. Glad I could help, Jack.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Schadenfreude at it's finest.

John Tory is arguably one of the biggest losers in Canadian political history. (Excluding that guy who ran 60+ times and never won but that was more of an exercise in futility).
How does someone ruin Kim Campbell's illustrious run as Prime Minister, lose a mayoralty campaign after being accused of bribing his opponent to drop out of the race, WIN a leadership contest in Ontario by beating now Finance Minister, Jim Flaherty, lose an election in his home riding of Don Valley west and then lose again in Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock when MPP, Laurie Scott, resigned to make way for Tory and he loses by 900+ votes when Ms. Scott had WON by 10,000?
Apparently, he will be resigning today. No Shit.
Back to the CFL for you!